Why Film And TV Provides Great Brooch Inspiration
The concept of art is ever-changing and frequently unusual, as can be seen through institutions like the Turner Prize, which has just been awarded for a display that includes a red Ford Escort covered in a giant doily.
If the question of what constitutes good art – or even art at all – causes much division and debate in the art world and wider society alike, but when it comes to wearable art, some will argue it may be much more beneficial to have something instantly recognisable.
The world of popular culture, especially film and TV, can do just that. For a brooch, having an obvious connection with a screen production that has captured the imagination will make it recognisable and popular. Many of your friends will wonder just where they can get one.
Of course, you can get cheap brooches bearing the characteristics of TV and cartoon stars very easily. Just look on eBay and you can find these, from a representation of the Disney characters in Beauty and the Beast to the Red Queen in Alice in Wonderland.
Attractive though they may be, they are also towards the bottom end of the range, not least because there is no standard design; one may depict the Red Queen, for example, in different ways.
A piece of wearable art that may take things up a notch is a pin bearing the Mockingjay emblem from the Hunger Games films. This has a very distinctive appearance and the symbol is instantly recognisable. This is important, given the significance attached to its message of subversion and rebellion in the films.
This is one of many examples of film-themed wearable art you can enjoy. Of course, not every film will provide some clear symbols you can use this way, but those that do can inspire something that will get everyone talking – more so, it may be suggested, than a brooch depicting a red Ford covered in a giant doily.